Perú: Christmas during a state of emergency
Ingrid Sánchez. Photos by Candy López. Peru woke up this Christmas in a state of emergency and without justice for those murdered by the government of Dina Boluarte; with mobilizations in the interior of the country and with a sit-in in Lima’s Manco Capac Square, where inhabitants from different regions of the country conglomerate to […]
Brazil 2022 Elections: What now?
Now that Lula da Silva has won the presidential elections in Brazil, it is time to reconcile a politically divided nation. While it is true that the Brazilian economy is growing, this growth is not producing significant improvements in the standard of living of the majority of the population. Moreover, Brazil’s public finances continue to […]
Lula ends campaign walking along Paulista with Haddad, Alckmin and Pepe Mujica
Periodistas Unidos. Peninsula 360 Press. Global Exchange. Cuartoscuro São Paulo, Brazil. October 29, 2022. The symbol of São Paulo, Paulista Avenue was taken over by a lively crowd this Saturday afternoon. Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, and Fernando Haddad, candidate for the State government, held the […]
Bolsonaro prepares to face Trump-like defeat in social media
Eduardo Paz / Terra 360 – Global Exchange During the last few weeks, there has been a significant increase in allusions to electoral fraud in the Brazilian elections. According to our measurements, mentions of fraud had remained below 300 thousand on the Twitter network. However, the indicator has exceeded this number almost every week since […]
The letter “L” in Brazil
Laura Carlsen. Global Exchange. Terra 360. Tens of thousands of Brazilians marched in São Paulo Saturday in a final show of support for former president Lula da Silva before Sunday’s election. “March” is a far too military to describe what was really a dance, a party, an explosion of hope. For the soured mainstream media […]
Hope for change in São Paulo, my experience in Brazil 2022
By Korinne Nickings | Terra 360 — Global Exchange My trip to Brazil this year reinforced a lot of my fears about the world. Being in a place where I could spend little to no American money and get the best of goods and services, and trying new extraordinary foods really dawned on me the […]
Karipuna territory, Amazonian destruction in Bolsonaro’s time
The resistance of the Karipuna people against agribusiness and criminality forces us to think about the future of Brazil and the Amazon in these upcoming elections. If Bolsonaro remains in power, the cost will be for the entire planet. By Manuel Ortiz EscámezPie de Página – Global Exchange – Terra 360 BRAZIL – Andrē Karipuna […]
Brazil’s Leftist Socialists Achieve Victories for Minorities, Support Lula to Defeat Bolsonaro
“As a transsexual these elections are very important. President Bolsonaro has attacked us violently- we don’t want him to stay. He is not an inclusive president for All. For him, Blacks and minorities do not count. I will vote for Lula, a person closer to all Brazilians rather than just a few.” Sol de Maria […]
Brasilian Presidential Debate: Among the Wreckage, Bolsonaro is still alive
By Fernando Cruz / Terra 360 – Global Exchange After going through hell in the worst week of the campaign, Bolsonaro arrived at the debate staggering but did not give up. He avoided a knockout in a tough clash with Lula. Last week ended poorly for President Jair Bolsonaro. After his disastrous visit to the […]
Digital Bolsonaristas: Far-Right Groups Threat Democracy in Brazil
By Mateo Diaz-Magaloni / Terra 360-Global Exchange Shortly after Brazil’s contentious presidential elections on October 2nd gave challenger Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva a 5-percentage point advantage over President Jair Bolsonaro, Manuel Ortiz Escamez, from Peninsula 650 press, interviewed Professor Paulo Fonseca of the Universidad Federal de Bahía, in Salvador de Bahía, Brazil. The interview […]